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I’m a Research Associate (postdoc) at Imperial College London where I am based in the Simulation and Modelling in Medicine and Surgery (SiMMS) group. I am also a co-founder and lead engineer at Human Robotix Ltd. My main research interest is the design of multimodal haptic inferfaces for simulation and physical information presentation. I also work extensively in 3D printing/digital manufacturing and other areas of mechatronics.
555 your office number
123 your address street
Your City, State 12345
I’m a Research Associate (postdoc) at Imperial College London where I am based in the Simulation and Modelling in Medicine and Surgery (SiMMS) group. I am also a co-founder and lead engineer at Human Robotix Ltd. My main research interest is the design of multimodal haptic inferfaces for simulation and physical information presentation. I also work extensively in 3D printing/digital manufacturing and other areas of mechatronics.